What are the typical installation requirements for triple offset butterfly valve?

Here are some key installation requirements for triple offset butterfly valve:

Proper orientation

Triple offset butterfly valves have an offset shaft design that requires installation in the correct orientation. The valve must be installed with the offset portion of the shaft in the vertical position for the valve to open and close properly. Installing it at an angle can prevent the valve from sealing fully.

Align the offsets

When installing multiple triple offset butterfly valves in a pipeline, the offsets must be properly aligned to provide a smooth transition. Misaligned offsets can obstruct flow and prevent the valves from closing fully.

Provide clearance

Additional clearance is needed around the valve hub and offsets. The valve must have room to rotate open and closed without hitting adjacent pipes/structures. It’s best to provide 1-2 times the valve diameter in clearance space.

Support the valve

Butterfly valves require support to prevent excess stress on the pipe or valve. Flanges must be properly aligned and firmly bolted together. Valves must be supported to handle the weight of any adjacent or connected piping. Install saddle supports if needed.

Ensure accessibility

Triple offset butterfly valves have a non-traditional design that can be larger than standard butterflies. Additional space must be provided to access the valve for operation and maintenance. Enough clearance is needed to open/close the valve and service any internal parts.

Chamfer the edges

Any sharp bends, abrasive surfaces or edges near the valve could damage the seals or seat. File down any rough edges before installing the valve to prevent leakage. A chamfered or smoothed surface helps ensure a tight seal.

Apply sealant

Apply pipe sealant or thread seal tape to the threads of butterfly valve flanges before installation. This helps prevent leaks by ensuring a tight seal between the flange and adjacent pipe. Follow the directions on the sealant product for proper application.

Test for leaks

Once installed, test the valve to ensure there are no leaks before beginning operation. Check seals and joints under pressure with soapy water or a leak detection solution. Make any necessary tight adjustments to prevent leakage.

Lubricate moving parts

Some butterfly valves require lubrication of the shaft and disc to enable easy opening and closing, especially if installed in a corrosive environment. Follow the valve manufacturer’s recommendations regarding type of lubricant and application method. This helps prevent damage to internal parts.